In such a case, I vote for ahrefs at the top like badges. Presentation brazil phone number list of the aerostat domain however, serpstat fails to show the total number of backlinks, while semrush fails to show the number of ranking keywords, top. It's a small disappointment. But both tools have a detailed review section on every aspect. Instead of discussing typical features like domain overview, organic search, keywords and backlinks, mine their link profile brazil phone number list and strategy using its batch analysis.The backlinks module was added to semrush in 2008, while in 2016 to serpstat. But the latter has developed rapidly to acquire a large database and fetch the most up-to-date and comprehensive data
Than other tooled-on features just like the usability brazil phone number list of the tool, the additional features or benefits offered by any tool make it stand out from the crowd. That they are getting something extra that they are paying let's compare SEMrush vs aerostat by providing additional features that favor you.Apisby subscribing to the serpstat account (from the lite plan), api access is included at no additional cost. Extract data from the tool and integrate it seamlessly into your own business applications for further data processing and analysis. This is because brazil phone number list the aerostat api is for internal business purposes only, not for commercial or resale purposes. SEMrush doesn't offer its api for free
But it's worth paying if you really need to manage brazil phone number list big data. You can either upgrade to the business plan to access its api or buy api units exclusively. The semrush api has been of software, widget or dashboard to visually display data through a custom user interface.For the most part, for small-scale integrations, you can wisely opt for the free serpstat api. Yet, when it comes to big data for large enterprises, indeed, the semrush api is perfect brazil phone number list for integrating and extracting bulk data. User access SEMrush and serpstat allow multi-user access. But, you need to contact semrush team and ask for the same. Again, this has limitations.