Give up bad procrastination: 1. Take a small first step. The best thing to tackle a thankless or too big task is to start small. Thinking about spending five or ten minutes as a first approach is a good strategy. 2. Dividing is winning. The Romans knew that the best way to deal with a task that is too big is to break it into smaller portions.
It is one of the best strategies to avoid procrastinating, even in Latin. 3. Routines do themselves. Incorporating the less attractive tasks into a routine plan helps to perform buy email database them almost without thinking. 4. Learn to say no. Loading yourself with tasks for not knowing how to say no is a source of dissatisfaction and, therefore, of postponements.
Announce it to the four winds. There are big goals, like quitting smoking or going to the gym, that are easier to carry if they have been announced publicly, due to the component of commitment to family or friends. 6. Avoid distractions. Anything that may hinder the completion of the task must be kept away, including a mobile phone.